Meet the 2024 Authors These Extraordinary Women Come Together to Celebrate a New Era Gail WatsonRead bioRhoberta Shaler, PhDRead bioLynn Abaté-JohnsonRead bioDr. Lia AbneyRead bioJudy AdamsRead bioKaren AndersonRead bioRev. Lee AthertonRead bioTeresa Barnes, PhD, LCSWRead bioDr. Renae BjorgRead bioGlendoria Phillips BoydRead bioAileen BoyleRead bioLaura CamphuisRead bioAbundance ChildRead bioChristine L. Conroy, P. PsychRead bioCarol Cooke, AM PLYRead bioTasha (TC) Cooper, EsqRead bioSarah EddieRead bioTracey EhmanRead bioJoy FreemanRead bioCharmaine HammondRead bioZaneta Varnado JohnsRead bioConscious JusticeRead bioPaula M. KramerRead bioMarsha LakeRead bioLaTanya LoganRead bioAngelica G MillerRead bioCatherine Moore, LCSWRead bioARhonda OsborneRead bioKashaun Parker, ACC, MBARead bioSally PedersonRead bioLorene Phillips, BA, ACII, PCCRead bioCandace Plattor, M.A.Read bioValerie PriesterRead bioLaura RochelleRead bioMaryann Rivera-DannertRead bioDeborah Marcia RubinRead bioLaura RubinsteinRead bioCarolyn E SawyerRead bioBrigitte StillsRead bioCorinna StoefflRead bioKelli Y. StoneworkRead bioAme-Lia TamburriniRead bioMargaret Swift Thompson, MSRead bioAndrea TompkinsRead bioNgoc T. TranRead bioNatasha E. WilliamsRead bio